
Thank you, dear Rhonda Michelle Brice-Harris, for sharing this POWER Ministry and GIFT. God has blessed me with you. He has truly used you to be a gift in my life these last few months through the one-on-one WORDAPY sessions and your online Bible study. When I needed to talk to someone the most, the Lord used my loving sisters, Michelle Smith and Shirley Jones Poitier, to share your name with me. You listened to me, prayed for me and with me; you shared the word with me and challenged me. There are not enough words in the human language to say THANK YOU!

- Gisele Darden

Minister Rhonda Harris, a true child of God who is filled with the Holy Ghost, and an avid Bible scholar who truly loves the Lord. She is always encouraging others to have faith in God no matter what the situation may be. As my spiritual sister, I get so much strength from her as I listen to her testify about just how good God has been to her and that He is no respecter of persons. In her Life Class sessions, she lets me know that I can get that same strength if I put all my trust in God and do not worry about things I cannot handle—just turn it over to Jesus and He will work it out.

- Loretta Lutcher

Rhonda has been many things to me in my life: choir director, mentor, teacher, friend and sister in Christ, to name a few. In all these capacities, she has taught me much about the Word of God and has helped to strengthen me on my path to know Him more. Through The Book Club and her Life Classes, I am constantly encouraged to be in the Word and to learn more. I love that her teachings have not only helped me with my relationship with God but with how I live my everyday life with God in it. Rhonda will get you excited about wanting to read the Bible, as she has me. Within our relationship, there is a willingness to share our insights about Scripture with one another. I am glad to call her friend. To add to all of this, she has good taste in food.
- Sybil Lively

Words cannot express how I feel about my sister Rhonda, a woman who walks by faith and never wavers from her calling. When she calls and needs something, I say yes and then ask what I just agreed to. Stay strong in the faith and never change. With all my love!

- Todd McFerren

Rhonda is a gifted Bible teacher and prayer warrior. We have been most encouraged by the Life and Healing Classes that are thought-provoking and very inspirational. She teaches that one must hold on to the word of God no matter what life looks like. Thankful to have her in our lives.

- Steve and Sherry Chaquette

Rhonda is a beautiful individual with a beautiful spirit.  I remember the very first time I saw her in the Jerusalem Baptist Church pulpit, where she worshiped and encouraged the body of Christ with such boldness. It was her ability to bring Christ into the sanctuary that was divine. I remember my father telling me, “She is no phony; she is the real deal,” and I quickly agreed with him.  While many play church or repeat what they hear, Rhonda knows God intimately and it shows.  I came across her in Life Class on Facebook, and I must admit that it was a life-saving experience for me.  When I felt particularly discouraged one day, I reached out to her because of her kindness and huge smile.  The prayer she prayed for me, and the words she spoke to my soul, made my soul happy.  As a gleeful member of The Book Club, I was forever blessed to participate in her call to read the entire Bible in 100 days, and then the entire Bible in a year…

Throughout my mother’s bereavement, Rhonda was a blessing to me and my family by ministering to her.  Clearly, the greatest benefit of Rhonda’s ministry is her willingness to generously share God’s love with each and every individual she encounters… John 13:35 reads, “By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another.” Sis Rhonda is a true disciple of Christ, and I am grateful to call her my friend. The amount of love and appreciation I have for her is greater than my words can ever express.
“If you want to see what God said, you have to say what God says!”
With a smile.

- Shirley Poitier


How to Think and Act Like God in Your Everyday Life

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